no - we believe that deters many really talented builders.
hopefully one day! for now, we sustain operations by charging for rent and organizing costs - price varies by location.
yes! lots of them. residents get compute credits, food discounts, and even free therapy!
no. we are looking for people who like to invent. people who bring novel ideas into the real world. this type of person tends to be a startup founder or researcher.
6 months for now. if you like us and we like you, you can stay for as many chapters as you like. for those with 3 month visas, lets talk. we can try to move you between houses halfway through the experience.
we can point you in the right direction
no - the majority of this experience is in person because we strongly value human connection.
ideally no. we want you to be able to go full time on your dreams! however, we will break this rule for exceptional individuals.
in our co-working space or in our house. it depends on which location you are assigned to.
yes. we also have shared rooms for those looking to save on cost.